茶蜂 danger: high entropy

Blahg Posts

Stream of couscous writing.

A script for keeping go up to date on Linux

go code
Some things I want to keep up to date without a package manager. Go is one of those.

Thinking about loss

A chance song reminds me of friends I can no longer hear

Unmarshalling a Unix timestamp to time.Time from JSON in go

go code
Sometimes you don't have control over how the json is formatted, but you still want native types.

Go For a Loop

go code
Visualizing for loops in go

Automatic Hugo Site Deployments With CircleCI

code hugo
Make publishing your Hugo site completely automatic!

Why You Need a Kubernetes Upgrade Path

Keeping Kubernetes up to date can be a challenge, but the alternative can have severe consequences.

Migrating From Blogger

code hugo
Migrating posts from Blogger to Hugo (or something else) turned out to not be as horrible as I first thought.

And now, Hugo!

code go hugo
So I've written more blog migrations than blog posts...

Simple OS X XKCD client with Automator

boring posts
Create a simple website client with Automator

Attaching StringIO Data to a Mailgun Message

code python
Sending StringIO attachments through Mailgun's REST API using python requests or treq

A Picture is worth how many words?

code python
In which I turn a book into a picture (and other not so useful tricks)

Mac OS X: When Trackpad Gestures Stop Working

Rethinking Urban Life, Culture, and Startups

The Ghost Writer is... Invisible

The Crusher Complex or How I learned to stop Sheldoning and start loving the Wil

I loved Star Trek as a child. And also Cheerios.